February 13th - 2 Hour Delay (No Early Releases)

Fairlawn Local Schools - Title IX

Report-           Any student or staff member who feels they have been treated unfairly or abused under the guidelines of Title IX can file a complaint.  Information can be brought to the attention of any employee of the Fairlawn Local Schools for assistance.  The complaint will be brought to the attention of the Title IX Coordinator.  The Title IX Coordinator will then set procedures in motion to garner all information and begin the investigative process.  The coordinator will make sure the victim and the accused do not cross paths for any reason during the investigation.  The coordinator will work with law enforcement if they are involved in the process.

Information Officers- Information officers will meet with the victim to gain all the pertinent information.  As well, if appropriate the information officer will also meet with the accused to gain both sides of the story.  The information officer will then turn over all facts compiled to the investigative officer. The information officer will work with law enforcement if they are involved in the process.

Investigative Officer- The Investigative Officer will take all the facts gather by the information team. They will perform an adequate, reliable, and impartial investigation of complaints, including the opportunity for parties to present witnesses and other evidence. The officer will compare the stories and look for key information beyond the victim and the accused.  They will seek out all timelines and motives. The investigative officer will give all his/her findings to the Title IX Coordinator. Investigative officer will work with law enforcement if they are involved in the process.

Title IX Coordinator-  The coordinator will then take all the findings and make a fair and unbiased decision on the grievance. Notice to parties (or parents if the students are minors) of the investigation’s outcome. The school will take steps to prevent recurrence of any harassment and correct any discriminatory effects on the complaining party. School will monitor to ensure no retaliation (including intimidation, threats, coercion, or discrimination in any form, through any medium) along with information on how to report subsequent problems and how the district will investigate them. Grievance process timeline is 60 days.

Appeals Officer-         Appeals officer will hear the case if one side of the investigation is not happy with the findings of the Title IX Coordinator.  Appeals officer decision will be final.  Appeal process timeline is 30 days.